Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web

I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them. The probability of that obviously is very low but laws of probability have often been known to falter at the crucial test of reality. For example, there is a statistical theory that if you gave a million monkeys typewriters and set them to work, they'd eventually comes up with the complete works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Internet, we now know this isn't true.

One foggy winter morning, I went walking into the marshy lands of Keoladeo National Park, a protected reserve frequented by birds from all over the place. I went looking for pelicans, ducks, herons and the coveted Siberian cranes. It was very early in the morning, I was hoping to be the proverbial early bird and catch the worm, which, for me, ironically enough, were the breakfast hunting birds themselves. The fog was heavy and it was a long wait. So my bored mind wandered down insignificant thought patterns and my eyes no longer being guided by any conscious thought went on to wander on their own. So technically speaking it wasn't me who discovered these spider webs, it was my vagabond eyes. But they quickly caught the fascination of my idle mind as well.

I started to wonder. It hadn't rained. It was just dewdrops. So it must be something that happens almost everyday during these Indian winters. The marshes thereabouts remained very foggy for most of the winters. My next thought inevitably was of the spider, crouched on all eights, huddled in one corner of its web, watching the dewdrops drying out in the almost inadequate warmth of the winter morning. And the dewdrops swaying gently to the cold breeze, like clothes on a clothesline, providing an ironic reminder to the metaphoric water spilt on the best-laid plans. I wondered if the spider, with its biologically complex compound eyes, could see the irony, or for that matter, the beauty that it had managed to trap in its intriguing web of deceit. I went on to wonder at the power of association. Dewdrops looked so much more docile when they rested on delicate petals of a pretty flower. By contrast, on a spider web, the gluttonous intent behind the web themselves, made the glistening balls look sinister, like landmines on a battlefield. I wondered instantly if the spider could still glide across the web, or like a foolhardy soldier, it would become a victim of its own designs if it tried to navigate the dew-laden web.

I began to think about the victim himself. On ominous days, the spider web would be virtually invisible to a merry insect flitting across the dense foliage. However, on days like this, when the web was glistening in all its glory, would the tiny insect be able to recognize the danger and steer clear from it? Or would it be mesmerized by the beauty and be drawn towards it, for after all, the insects do have a bad reputation when it comes to spotting danger in the face of mesmerizing beauty. Even if the insect, drawn towards the pearly gates of the web, landed himself bang in the middle of a messy affair, would the web be still as effective or would the dewdrops have disarmed the intricate deathtrap.

A research once told me that a goldfish has the memory span of three seconds, and I wonder how the respectable group of scientists found it out, or for that matter, what prompted this investigation. I wonder if the same group of scientists could answer the questions that came to my hyperactive mind on this lazy winter morning. I wonder if the spider and the fly realize the mental calisthenics they induced in me. I wonder.

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   

GetResponse Vs AWeber - Which Autoresponder Is Best for Your Needs?

For the web business owner the choice in autoresponders is one of the most important decisions they will make. It can literally make or break a company. A great choice you're your company will really prosper and you will not have the time to worry about your autoresponse program. A poor choice and your company will not prosper and you will end up starving to death and may not even know the reason why.

The first thing you need to research in choosing a great autoresponder is how well it can deliver your emails. An autoresponder program should have several internet protocol addresses from which they can send your email. They should also be accepted in the industry for doing good work. They should not fail the spam tests that Google, Yahoo, and others administer too often. The company needs to have been around for a while with a solid reputation. The autoresponder company should allow you to easily set up many lists and follow up many times. The program should have easy installation instructions. Your autoresponder should easily integrate with other aspects of your program. The fifth thing that should be considered is the price. The last thing to consider is how many templates are available for use and how similar they are to what you need to accomplish.

Basically there are two great choices when it comes to autoresponders. They are Aweber and GetResponse. Both companies are industry leaders. Both companies offer the subscriber outstanding protection against Can-Spam complaints. The greatest strengths of Aweber lies in the many free templates and tutorials that is available for the user. Aweber allows the user to integrate the users of Twitter to integrate this feature with their campaign. They also provide an option where you can send a message out if you update your blog. They also offer outstanding technical support including the ability to communicate with real human beings. They also offer outstanding webinars which will help you learn to use their great service. One problem encountered by some users is that it does not support foreign languages. They have the highest deliverable rate in the industry.

GetResponse has recently undergone a major update. They now offer over 300 templates. They also offer the user outstanding statistical reporting on who opens emails and who clicks on certain links. They have an option that allows the user to create a survey. The most exciting part of this upgrade to GetResponse is the ability to send video messages. GetResponse will sell you leads.

So both companies are very good. Aweber offers outstanding webinars, the ability to integrate with Twitter, and many free templates. GetResponse also offers many free templates, good customer service and the ability to conduct surveys. Regardless of rather you choose GetResponse or Aweber make sure to read the terms and conditions as the terms and conditions are constantly being changed.

Autoresponders - What You Should Know   Affiliate Marketing Tips: Use an Auto-Responder   How To Use Email Marketing Autoresponders Effectively   Autoresponders to Boost Business - Tips and Information   

Microsoft Great Plains - Payroll & HR Inexpensive Solution? Not Any More

Microsoft Great Plains is main Microsoft Business Solutions accounting package for the US market. You should probably expect some issues when you have software development company to be bought by big player - in this case Great Plains Software was bought by Microsoft (Bill Gates was a friend to Doug Burgum - owner and leader of Great Plains Software - Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise). We certainly have some influence level in Microsoft Business Solutions, but what happened is out of our decision level and this is really sad story.

OK. Let's go to the story itself. Imagine - you are small company who serves to your clients as payroll/Humane Resources outsourcer. Old-days Great Plains Dynamics on Ctree or Pervasive SQL/Btrieve was excellent and inexpensive solution. You could have all your clients need installed on your home computer somewhere in Southern States, enjoying the sun and the niceties of California for k$2 per year with Great Plains software list price of around k$10 with unlimited number of Payroll/HR employees

Now - you have sudden hurricane - over Florida - somebody who is in charge in Microsoft - but really without clear understanding on what is in stake - this person needs to retune the cheap Great Plains version. Good - now you have Small Business Manager with restriction on employee count, then you have so-called Great Plains Standard which is available on MSDE and MS SQL Server 2000 - it caps you at 500 employees and ... - as a result of this decision - you can't conduct your business with Microsoft Business Solutions any more.

We have multiple examples of our customers who had to switch to Accpac, Adapta Soft and other cheap vendors of Payroll HR versions without limitation on the number of employees. We do certainly respect the right of Microsoft to compete with Oracle, SAP and PeopleSoft - but what is going on is probably non-planned and side effect of the solution which was made too soon. Of course the need to finish the contract with Pervasive software was a good idea - but cutting your small loyal customers - we actually doubt this

Happy implementing! if you want us to do the job - give us a call!

Microsoft Great Plains - Payroll & HR Inexpensive Solution? Not Any More   Microsoft Great Plains - Payroll & HR Inexpensive Solution? Not Any More   

Top Recommended Apps For Web Designers!

Although I'm still new in the web design area I have made a collection of applicationts that can help you improve and design better web pages. Here is my list of recommended apps that a web designer has to use in order to achieve the best results on making a web site!

HTML Editors:

Adobe Dreamweaver

Adobe Dreamweaver is the most advanced HTML Editing tool you can find anywhere! It has every feature you want in order to create your web site!


KompoZer is an HTML editor provided by Mozilla Community as a free open source tool! It's very similar to Dreamweaver and it's a great app in order to start your career as a web designer! Everything you want to start is in this program!

Image Editors:


Photoshop is used by every professional who wants to edit his image for any reason! You have heard about magazines "Photoshoping" models and stuff like that. Well in our case we will be using it to create and edit images for our websites whether it's a background, a button or the web sites logo!


GIMP is a photo editing tool like photoshop but it's licensed for free!

It has many amazing options for editing your images although it's not advanced as much as photoshop.

Web Browsers:

As a web designer you have to check your websites on every browser to see if they appear exactly as you want them on each and every one of them! You also have to check it on smartphone screens as more people are becoming owners of smartphones!

Testing Servers:


Apache is the most famous HTTP testing server on the Internet. Every web designer must have a testing server!


Some people might know that Apache is kinda hard to set up. It's even harder to install PHP and MySQL. XAMPP is an installer that installs and configures up to a point many features of a testing server!

FTP Servers:


FileZilla is the most famous FTP Server on the Internet. It's provided for free and everyone can use it! It's also included in XAMPP that I listed above!

SQL Servers:


MySQL is an open source database. It's very easy to use from the GUI(Graphical User Interface). It's also included in XAMPP.



For backup purposes I suggest Dropbox! It stores your files on the cloud and you are safe from any problems that might appear!

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Factors To Be Incorporated By A Website Design Company   How to Make Free Websites   

Find Out About the Benefits of Using the Right Rich Internet Application Design

Are you one of those people, who spend a lot of time shopping online using their handhelds? In that case, you should know that not all the online shopping cart apps are equally good and useful. There are several types of software, which are used by different companies for their online shopping sites. It is usually seen that those sites, which create their own shopping carts based on a rich internet application design, get more online buyers, simply because of the fact that such carts are very easy to use. On the other hand, many companies do not use such apps, because they do not know the benefits of using such tools. Once they come to know about these benefits, it will help them realize their mistakes very easily.

There are numerous benefits of using a shopping cart based upon a rich internet application design. If you ever get a chance to speak with customers, who have used shopping carts based on this tool, you will get to know about the benefits. Benefits are also there for companies. Some of these are mentioned below:

Close all sales: Sometimes it is seen that many customers abandon their sales midway. This usually happens due to some problems with the online carts or some other similar issues. If a shopping cart based upon a rich internet application design is made, then it will help to minimize such problems and thus assist in closing majority of the sales. Attract more online shoppers: If a shopping cart is made based upon a rich internet application design, then it will help to attract more online shoppers to your site. This will help your business to soar higher in the days to come. Customers usually like to use such apps, which are very easy to use. This is one of the primary factors, which will help to attract more people to your site. Very few people like to use such apps, which are very technical and difficult to use.

These are some of the benefits of using a shopping cart based upon a rich internet application design. It will help you to know about these benefits, so that you can use them for your business online. If you come up with one of the best and easy to use online shopping carts, then it will help you in many ways. Just ensure that you take your time and do proper researches before choosing the right app.

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Web Designing Companies Can Help You Get The Perfect Business Website   Why Learn WordPress and Some Tips on Getting Started   

Web Design Tutorials - What They Can Teach You

It can be pretty pressuring to learn web design these days because so many people know how to make a website and a good number of those people are able to come up with highly unique designs. In order to design a website that can stand out, you really have to learn from other professional web designers and then apply your own creative twists. Enrolling in some school can be a surefire way to learn from a good professional but there are plenty of online resources that you can try out as well.

Web Pages and Articles

There are lots of websites that are made by real professionals. People make these sites to advertise their services but they need to come up with some quality content in order for others to find these sites through search engines. Many designers end up providing useful tutorials to attract people so go ahead and search for these sites and you can learn plenty of basic techniques as well as some advanced ones. Other professional designers may post web design tutorials in article directories to promote their services in those directories. The advantage of checking out web pages is the possibility of free downloadable content. Some tutorial sites offer free scripts and templates that are related to the tutorials so you can tinker with them.


E-books are pretty much like the articles you see on article directories. But E-books have a few advantages that might make these types of web design tutorials more appealing. First of all, you only have to download the entire E-book so you can access all the tutorials the E-book covers offline. This means that you can work in any system you like and concentrate on making a web page using your favorite web design software. E-books can also be copied to phones and tablets so you can always be guided no matter what system you decide to use. Some E-books may cost money but they normally have higher quality tutorials.

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials are recommended if you need to focus on certain concepts of web design such as JavaScript or CSS. A video tutorial can walk you through the necessary steps in doing certain things. Other video tutorials may cover the interface of design software so you can be more productive. Because video tutorials often involve a professional web designer narrating, these types of tutorials are very easy to understand. Like E-books, the high-quality tutorials need to be purchased but don't forget to check out free sites like YouTube because other professional web designers that want to attract subscribers may upload free tutorials too.

Basically, the Internet is filled with web design tutorials so enrolling in a school should be your last resort especially if you have plenty of time at home every day.

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   

Re-Designing Your Website for Success

No website design lasts forever. Despite your website designer's valiant efforts, even the most impressive layout will start to look tired and old after a few years.

The first thing you'll notice is its appearance. The bold stripes that grabbed your attention in 2009 will start to look like eyesores and those flashing buttons maybe don't seem quite as cool as they once did.

Then you start to notice limitations to your navigation and the functionality that once impressed visitors now feels a little restricted.

So how do you get the most from your website design?

The first thing to do is talk to your website designer. If they're any good they will have tackled the same problem for other companies and while each website design should be unique to that particular business, some tried and tested ideas should be considered.

Here are some of the elements you'll need to factor into your website re-design;

What is the end goal?

Before you get started, you need to consider the reasons behind your decision to redesign your website. Strategic planning is essential if you want powerful results, so take the time to browse sites, assess your competition and most importantly, ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS!

What works best for your audience?

This follows on from the last point. Since your last web design you have the benefit of experience. Solicit customer feedback to see what areas of the website are working and what needs attention.

How can you simplify navigation?

Revisit the hierarchy on your website to see if it presents information in the most easily-digestible manner. Make the most important navigation clear and obvious, while hiding less critical information elsewhere on the site.

How can content be improved?

The words and images on your home page are essentially the shop assistants in your store. If they are clumsy and confusing, the chances of you making a sale are reduced significantly. Investing in a professional Copywriter may be the smartest move you make, as it will attach professionalism to your brand in the eyes of your customers.

Does the design represent your business?

Blue and yellow stripes are great if you're selling your services as a professional clown, but they're not so good at representing your accountancy business. Colour charts are easy to find online, so make sure you check hues before you use.

Is your website design SEO-friendly?

Your website can look as pretty as a picture, but nobody can find you, it won't make a pinch of difference. Improving your content is the best way to achieve SEO success, but there are plenty of other ways to get your word to the herd. Consider using an SEO expert if you're serious about getting results.

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   

Website Design Company Tracking Changes

Tracking changes made to your web site is necessary so you can trace back, with the help of a website design company, the significant changes that either led to a bump in traffic or a dip in visitor gridlock. This helps you identify why you possibly lost 25% of your traffic in Q1 of this year. If historically, you showed the same pattern then you can pinpoint other reasons other than the structure of your website or you're marketing strategies. Maybe, you can chalk the past quarter as an off-season in terms of purchasing trends.

Why track changes

For example, Google has a tool in its Analytics called Annotations. They are basically "bread crumbs" that allows you to find your way back with all the modifications the website design company has introduced into your website. Say six months ago you launched an aggressive marketing campaign for brand awareness which includes mass e-mail, Press Release, link-baiting, and social media engagement. Then when you study your analysis, you find that there is an increase in traffic by about 45% six months ago. If you did not take notes, you would be scratching your head about the reason why.

Recognizing shifts and movements

A year from now, you will not remember that you are now reading this article. But when you make a note on your organizer or calendar that at exactly this time, you are here in front of your computer reading this post; it will jolt a dormant memory. How exactly did the web design company change the layout and SEO structure of your site? Altered the color? Changed the content to make it keyword-rich? Eased up on the use of Flash animation and mystery meat navigation, particularly on the front page? Did you launch a PPC advertising campaign or unleash a viral video? What are considered as your lean months and what are the months when your sales are off the charts?

Improving your site

Did all these changes contribute to greater traffic or not? What could be the reasons why? Should you think about making new changes again? See? It's now easier to track where you may have committed a mistake and make the necessary corrections. A good website design can integrates a metric of its own, one that is more comprehensive than Google's Annotation. Regardless of the tool used, what matters is you can have the data needed to pinpoint the problem and come up with a solution.

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Factors To Be Incorporated By A Website Design Company   

Do You "REALLY" Have a Custom Website?

There are some huge misconceptions out there. People who are smart and savvy when it comes to business really don't know the difference between websites, customized websites, and custom websites. I must admit a lot of web people, and websites play fast and loose with the terms but there is a big difference between each of them. You really have to ask questions when you have someone do a website for you.

It seems everyone is saying they do custom websites - but do they? What is the difference?

Template Website - is a website that has been pre-built, and you are buying it as is. A good example is a Word Press Blog that is used as a website - the template may already have been designed you just plug-in your business name, copy and possibly some pictures. These types of websites are sold over and over again. They are the Least Expensive Choice.

Customized website - is a website that is put together as a template, but you customize it with your own banner and other small tweaks. Because you do have some customization, it will be more expensive than a template website but less expensive than an actual custom website.

Custom Website - is a website that is built from the ground floor up. The idea is visualized, written down then designed. Some web designers actually sketch the website out and then use a program like Photoshop to create the images needed for the interface of the website.

Once the images are designed, and the client approves them than the process begins. The images need to be cut apart and reassembled into a web page with html. The navigation of a website is another type of code typically JavaScript - and then if you want some movement you may use some flash or other type of animation that is also created from scratch.

People like custom websites because they want to brand their business with a certain look and feel. The website and all marketing materials will have the same logo, color, typography, etc. The copyright is owned by the business. As you can imagine this type of website is the most expensive. People who do custom website can also (usually) do graphic design, so they can develop your business card and logo, do brochures and fliers, folders and any type of promotional material you can think of. I have always done custom websites and everything that goes with that. I am inexpensive compared to other companies who truly do custom websites, but it will still cost more - because it takes more time and some talent to design custom items.

One of the hottest things going right now are WordPress websites - these are blog's that are used as websites combined with a blog. The allure of this type of website is that business owner can update text on their own websites. These can also fit into all the categories that I have listed above. And search engines love these types of sites

So often a lot of so-called web developer's scam people who really do not know the ins and outs of having a business on the internet. They take advantage of their lack of knowledge just to fill their pockets. It gives a bad name to those in my profession.

I also hear "I can get a website done for much less than that". They don't realize that they are not getting a CUSTOM WEBSITE... 99 times out of 100 they are being quoted a template or a customized website.

Ask the hard questions when you hire a designer - make sure you are getting what you pay for. Maybe you do not want a custom website and a template or customized website is all you need - but at least be aware of the difference.

One more thing to think about - make sure your web person can do all the things to make your websites more search engine friendly this also takes a lot more attention to details - and adjustments on the backend of your website that you don't see. However, it is well worth the extra price.

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   

Some Questions To Ask When Developing Your QR Code Placement Strategy

There are some important factors to take into consideration when deciding on your QR Code placement strategy. Here are four questions you can ask yourself to help you to establish where you should concentrate your efforts. Carefully answering these questions can mean the difference between whether your efforts will be wasted, or a possible increase of traffic to your website via these codes and increased profits.

1. Do you want to educate your market about some aspect of your product or service? Perhaps the usefulness of your product isn't well known and a short video or info-graphic, which is accessible through your QR code might just do the trick of educating your market on the run!

2. Do you want to enhance your image from the "trust" standpoint? For instance, if your business provides baby supply bags for new mothers, trust may be a major factor for your market when choosing a product like yours. You can often build trust in this market by providing useful and reliable information about parenting (the information provided doesn't necessarily always have to be about your specific product).

3. Do you want to build anticipation and excitement for a major launch you're planning? Sending out little clues that are videos or images or even voice recordings can really help to excite your audience and can be relatively affordable by using QR codes in your strategy.

4. Do you want promote coupons to help build a larger audience? Sometimes all you want to do is increase your share of the marketplace and one of the ways to do that is to grab customers from your competitors with eye-catching sales! You can get those coupons to your customers quickly with strategically placed QR codes.

There are many more questions you can ask yourself, to ensure you develop QR code marketing ideas, that are aligned to your business goals...

These goals may include:

• Increasing first quarter sales, • Getting more subscribers to your list, • Image building, • Promoting a new product or service, etc

There is another important consideration when it comes to marketing with these codes, if your code leads to a website page it is important that plenty of time and energy has been put into making this page convert for your business. The best placement in the world won't save you from a landing page that doesn't convert. So make sure you take the time to consider these points and reap the benefits.

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   

Best Ideas for the Creation of a Search Engine Friendly Website

The niche of web development is evolving all the time. This is one of the most dynamic sectors because the internet user is having increasingly high expectations.

Building your own website is possible, especially if you are willing to learn and to understand the elements that make a good web project. Search engine optimization is one of the most important aspects to consider because it will affect the marketing of the website.

If you are wondering how to make a website and to increase its search engine friendliness, follow these tips and achieve excellent results.

Design Basics Design is very important because it will direct both the audience and the search engine crawlers to the most notable parts of the website. Clear structure and good navigation should be a top priority.

The menu has to be descriptive enough and making it easy for the visitor to get from one point on the website to another one. Several levels of navigation like the use of sub-categories can help you achieve the goal without cluttering the design.

The most prominent element on every page deserves a central position. It can be the headline, a photograph or a video. The way you structure each page will send indicators to search engine crawlers.

Content When thinking about how to make a website, you will also have to do some content planning. Even the greatest design will fail if the website lacks unique, informative and highly targeted content.

Determine what your niche is and come up with a content strategy. Everything on your website should be written for visitors rather than for search engine crawlers. See what your competition is doing in terms of content and try to surpass that.

Update the website frequently. You need both quality and regular updates to effectively implement search engine optimization. Design and text will work together. The first element allows search engine crawlers to access the text. Once there, they will scan the content and determine its value.

The User Experience A good website takes into consideration the audience's experience. Making it interactive and fun will keep people onsite for a longer period of time, which will ultimately affect optimization.

Your website has to load fast and everything appearing on a page should serve a practical purpose. If an element is added for mere decorative value, it will be adding very little to the SEO and the popularity of the website.

Making an excellent website takes a lot of planning in advance. Try to sketch it, come up with the right niche and think about design and content. Figuring these elements out before starting will facilitate the job and optimize the results.

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   

Website Design Costs

If you don't know how to make a website on your own, then you will most likely want to find a website designer. These individuals will be able to create a place on the internet that follows your vision and ensures that it is professionally laid out and will keep visitors on your page for some time.

What you need to understand is that there are a number of costs that can be associated with your website as it is being built. These are going to cover everything from the layout of your website, to the photos and the design that you will have, while taking into consideration that some companies do charge more for ensuring your page is search engine optimized for the best possible results.

The first place you will have costs associated with your website design come in will be from the overall layout that is done. The professional designer will use various fonts, colors and layout schemes to ensure that your page opens quickly and helps the visitor reach their desired information as quickly as possible.

From the layout and design scheme of the website, you will then need to look at the photos being used. If you don't have your own images, the professional designer will need to pay and use stock photos from the internet. This can add some cost to your website design. It is important to understand that you cannot simply upload any photograph you find online as that will violate copyrights.

Beyond the visual basics, you will also be charged for the content that is placed on your website. This content needs to be relevant to your website and have specific keywords that will help it to be found in search engines. It will be important for you to provide this individual with some keywords and phrases that can be used to describe your business. They can then take those and search for other relevant terms that can help to boost your flow of traffic.

Once all of these items are in place and your website is finalized, it will be time to launch it. This can bring in some additional costs. Not only will the website designer take the time to ensure that your website can be viewed through different browsers properly, but that there are elements in place to drive traffic to your page.

This will be done by building backlinks and placing articles on the internet that will direct traffic back to your page. These links are an essential part of your website and you do need to ensure that you hire a professional to handle this process for you.

With all these items taken into account, you will find that there are different elements that will influence the final price quoted for you when it comes to designing a website. Of course, if you don't know how to make a website and need a fully functioning page, these costs will be worth it and in no time, you should start seeing traffic for your website grow.

The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   

Designing Websites - Making Yours The Best

Downloading a website template is highly recommended for people that do not know how to make a website. If you found a good template, you can open it up using your favorite web authoring tool and start adding your content to personalize the site. But if you cannot find a decent template, you can always consider designing the website from scratch. While it is nice to have high ambitions when it comes to the overall design of your website, it is also good to start simple because you can always build up as your audience grows. Best of all, designing a simple website isn't very hard if you break down the process to simple tasks.

The first thing you can do is come up with a color scheme. Creating a color scheme is all about restricting the design to a certain set of colors. If you are designing a business website, your corporate manual may already have a color scheme that you can implement to your site. There are numerous free online color scheme generators that can automatically suggest good complementing colors after you picked only a few colors.

Once you have a good color scheme, set it aside and start working on the layout of the website. Creating a layout right away is a great way to get in the mood of designing because you can use any graphics software you like and not worry about the coding. If you are into sketching, you can also try drawing the layout on a piece of white paper. In the layouting phase, your goal is to position common site elements like the navigation bar, body text, headers and graphic placeholders. Some web authoring tools may already have layouting templates so you can launch that program to get a sense of the common site layouts.

A site with a simple layout and solid color scheme may be enough for a business site but for other types of sites, it can be a bit boring unless you spice it up with some effects. Fortunately, you can scour the web for free Adobe Flash, CSS and JavaScript effects even before you start turning your sketches into actual code. Sites that offer these effects show off demos so you can see if the effect can be useful for your site. Simply download any effects or scripts you like and set them aside.

Now that you have these resources, you can go ahead and look for a good web design software. Adobe Dreamweaver is a great pick but if the price is too expensive for you, you can go for something like Microsoft Expression Web. Some freeware tools are available as well. You can then follow your color scheme you previously made and code your site according to the layout you drafted. Then you can implement the effects you downloaded and apply finishing touches.

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Banner Blindness - Meaning, Symptoms and Cure

Web users have some inherent peculiarities that usually don't show up in their day to day life. One such odd practice or should we say habit has been amusingly termed as banner blindness. The disease is so chronic amongst web users that it has forced companies offering professional banner designing services in advertisement field to think deeply about it. So, let first understand what banner blindness is all about.

Meaning and Symptoms: When a web user turns a blind eye or refuses to give attention to anything that remotely resembles a banner, it is termed as banner blindness. The condition is rather serious because it happens at a subconscious level as internet users carry the mindset that web banners usually carry advertisements that doesn't concern them. It is fatal because even after spending money on best graphic design services and advertising, results don't come.

It is prevalent in all the age groups and became the nightmare of online advertising some years ago. Thankfully, some sharp minds have found a way to avoid the gruesome banner blindness.

Cure : While there are a number of techniques popular to cure the condition, below discussed ones are most accepted amongst designers.

Create a Master Banner- Banners usually give away their appeal because of their average appeal. To make sure that it gets the deserved attention, you have to make sure that it is a masterpiece with attention grabbing elements. If you succeeded in making a banner that will stand out with looks more appealing than the website itself, then you have surely succeeded. A seasoned banner design company uses following points to create such distinguished works;

Catchy words- Free, new, sale and discount are some words that mostly achieve the purpose of grabbing attention of masses. The same can work in favor of the banner also. It is a time tested formula and delivers most of the time. However, if you wish for an element of surprise, then there are plenty of options worth exploring with graphics and images.

Funny works- A smile hurts no one and in this fast paced world, no one lets a funny moment pass. So, depicting something that provokes hilarity in the viewer's mind could be a great idea. If you can keep the banner funny along with conveying the message of the client, then it will certainly be a home run. Availing custom graphic design services from a seasoned design player mostly covers above underlined points.

No-banner Illusion- This is a sure shot medicine for banner blindness. No-banner illusion works when you are keeping the aesthetics of the banner in such a way that it gels perfectly with the website to become its part. This can be accomplished by keeping the graphics limited and focusing on text. However, to perfectly execute the no-banner feel, one needs to focus a lot on the website it will be used in.

So, this was all about banner blindness and how one can cure it to dominate the banner space.

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Providing Good User Experience

In the old SEO era, too much emphasis was put on keywords and creating links. But Google now favors sites that prioritize user experience over optimization for SERP rankings. Nevertheless, keyword-optimized content is still an important factor in getting better positions on SERPs. Thus, in improving brand exposure, businesses should balance user experience and keyword optimization. By doing so, users will not only land on your site but will find it useful, increasing the possibility of them returning for more.

Online businesses aim for conversion of traffic into leads, and then leads into sales. But users find sites through keywords or keyphrases of the information they want. This means that, generally, users land on a particular site due to its content. They search for specific information that we should address in our content to have them directed at our sites by search engines.

The new Google search algorithm weighs the usability of a site. It calls for a better user experience in terms of the site's content, architecture, design, templates, layout, etc. So you need to design your site and create content with the users in mind. Some good measures of user experience include the number page visitors and the time they spent on the page during their visit. These measures indicate the usability of a page based on the average number of visitors and the average time they spent on it. Using these measures, you can also determine the sources of traffic that directed the highest quality of visitors.

As far as business is concern, the ultimate measure of usability is the rate of conversions. But for Google, there are other factors that indicate good usability such as URL errors, quality of inbound and outbound links, server connectivity, loading time, and authentic or legal site ownership. With regard to onsite factors of good user experience, here are the elements of a good site.

1. Clickable Logo

It would be better if your site has a clickable logo. The link should direct users back to your homepage. Your logo represents what kind of business you are into while your homepage presents and elaborates your business, products, or services.

2. User-Friendly Site Navigation

A good navigation bar is commonly positioned at the top of a page, below the logo. This is the position most conspicuous to visitors. They can easily see the links as they go from one page of your site to another. In addition, your site could guide visitors better if the current page in the menu is highlighted or styled differently. Avoid creating an all-Flash site as it tends to mar user experience.

3. Search Bar

Search bar enhances user experience. Users can easily find specific information available on your site through search bar. As well, your site should have categories of content or a tag cloud to facilitate searching.

4. Accentuated Links

Links should be styled differently from the rest of the content. You may use a color different, but in harmony, with the body text or have them underlined. By so doing, visitors can easily notice your links. However, do not put so many links on an article as search engines could detect them as over-optimization. Make sure that your links are onsite links or quality outbound links to avoid Google penalty.

5. Quality Content

The new Google policy requires us to post quality content on our sites. Quality content adds value to visitors' experience. If your content addresses users' purpose of surfing the Internet, it boosts the chance of having them directed at your site. Further, your content should be unique so that when users search for information that only your site can provide, they will definitely find your site.

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